Skyrim Essential Followers List

Welcome to Skyrimmagic Today we are bringing you a list of possible spouses in Skyrim, a list I know several people have been looking and asking us for. This tell you all of the possible spouses both male and female, their race, their job, and where you can find them.


Aela the Huntress – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
​ -Requirement: You must complete The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Aeri – Nord, Lumberjack, Anga’s Mill in The Pale.
-Requirement: Work for her chopping firewood.

Anwen – Redguard, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
-Requirement: You must complete Temple Quest: The Heart of Dibella

Avrusa Sarethi – Dark Elf, Farmer, Sarethi Farm, The Rift. Galaad 3 crack derby.

Essential characters are NPCs that, at some point during in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, cannot be killed in any way whatsoever. If their health is depleted, they fall to one knee, shortly recovering completely. Followers lie somewhat in this category, whereas they can only be killed if the. Essential followers: Aela, Vilkas, Farkas, DB followers. J'zargo as one of few that has no level cap & is essential. Other one like him, i think, is Serana, but for her you need Dawnguard DLC. At your level, going through dwemer dungs should not be a problem. Essential followers After i murdered j’zargo in my first fight alongside him (electrocuted with chain lightning) i am not recruiting a follower that dies because i will end up killing him. Please can someone list all the essencial followers?

Borghak the Steel Heart – Orc, Warrior, Mor Khazgur, The Reach.
-Requirement: You must pay her dowry or convince her to leave her home.

Brelyna Maryon – Dark Elf, Student, College of Winterhold, Winterhold.
-Requirement: You must complete of Brelyna’s Practice.

Camilla Valerius – Imperial, Merchant, Riverwood Trader, Riverwood.
-Requirement: Completion of The Golden Claw.

Dravynea the Stoneweaver – Dark Elf, Mage, Kynesgrove, Eastmarch.
-Requirement: Give her one Frost Salt.

Ghorza gra-Bagol – Orc, Blacksmith, Blacksmith Shed, Markarth.
-Requirement: Give her The Last Scabbard of Akrash.

Gilfre – Imperial, Miller, Mixwater Mill, Eastmarch.
-Requirement: Also chopping firewood.

Grelka – Nord, Merchant, open market, Riften (Can be married only through console command ).

Iona – Nord, Housecarl, Honeyside, Riften.
-Requirement: Become Thane of The Rift. (some bugs with this, she may treat you as thane not spouse)

Jenassa – Dark Elf, Hireling, Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Hire her.

Jordis the Sword-Maiden – Nord, Housecarl, Proudspire Manor, Solitude.
-Requirement: Become Thane of Solitude.

Mjoll the Lioness – Nord, Adventurer, Riften. (My wife, sexy accent not bad looking and boss warrior, cannot die)
-Requirement: Retrieve her sword, Grimsever, from the dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft.

Muiri – Breton, Alchemist, The Hag’s Cure, Markarth.
-Requirement: Completion of Mourning Never Comes. (You have to kill BOTH targets to gain Muiri’s affection.)

Njada Stone-Arm – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Orla – Nord, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
-Requirement: Complete Temple Quest: The Heart of Dibella.

Ria – Imperial, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Senna – Imperial, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
-Requirement: Completion of The Heart of Dibella.

Shahvee – Argonian, Dockworker, Argonian Assemblage, Windhelm.
-She may be married by recovering the Amulet of Zenithar and returning it to her. Fake instagram account maker. Please note that she may be killed in the quest Blood on the Ice, so it is suggested that you attempt to marry her before starting this quest, or proceed with caution saving often.

Sylgja – Nord, Miner, Shor’s Stone, The Rift.
-Requirement: Deliver her satchel to her father in Darkwater Crossing, then return his satchel to her.

Taarie – Altmer, Solitude
-Requirement: Visit Elisif the Fair while wearing the outfit she gives you then return to her and tell her what


Temba Wide-Arm – Nord, Miller, Ivarstead, The Rift.
-Requirement: Bring her 10 bear pelts.

Uthgerd the Unbroken – Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
-Requirement: Best her in a brawl battle.

Viola Giordano – Imperial, Busybody, Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Start Revyn Sadri ‘s favor, but then rat him out to Viola.

Ysolda – Nord, Citizen, open market, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Give her a Mammoth Tusk.



Ainethach – Breton, Mine Owner, Karthwasten, The Reach.

Angrenor Once-Honored – Nord, Beggar, Candelhearth Hall, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Take pity and give the beggar a gold piece.

Argis the Bulwark – Nord, Housecarl, Vlindrel Hall, Markarth.
-Requirement: Becoming Thane of Markarth.

Athis – Dark Elf, Companion, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Balimund – Nord, Blacksmith, The Scorched Hammer, Riften.
-Requirement: Give him 10 Fire Salts.

Belrand – Nord, Hireling, The Winking Skeever, Solitude.
-Requirement: Hire him.

Benor – Nord, Warrior, Morthal.
-Requirement: Challenge him to a brawl and win.

Calder – Nord, Housecarl, Hjerim, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Become Thane of Eastmarch.

Cosnach – Breton, Drunk/Porter, Silver-Blood Inn, Markarth.
-Requirement: Challenge him to a brawl and win.


Derkeethus – Argonian, Fisherman, Darkwater Crossing, Eastmarch.
-Requirement: Find and rescue him.

Erik the Slayer – Nord, Barbarian, [[ Frostfruit Inn], Rorikstead
-Requirement: Hire him. Note: Sometimes, the choice for marriage doesn’t appears in the dialogues. It is a bug.

Farkas – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. (Vilkas’ Twin)
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Filnjar – Nord, Blacksmith, Shor’s Stone, The Rift.
-Requirement: Complete Quest, Mine or Yours

Gat gro-Shargakh – Orc, Miner, Left Hand Mine / Kolskeggr Mine, The Reach.
-Requirement: Complete favor to Pavo Attius to liberate Kolskeggr Mine.

Ghorbash the Iron Hand – Orc, Warrior, Burguk’s Longhouse, Dushnikh Yal, The Reach.

Marcurio – Imperial, Hireling, Bee and Barb, Riften.
-Requirement: Hire him.

Moth gro-Bagol – Orc, Blacksmith, Understone Keep, Markarth.

Octieve San – Breton, Citizen, Solitude. Vray for cinema4d mac crack. Frequently found in and around the Winking Skeever.
-Convince the gamblers to let him off his debts

Omluag – Breton, Miner, Markath Smelter, Markarth.
-Talk to Mulush about the smelters

Odfel – Nord, Miner, Shor’s Stone.

Onmund – Nord, Student, The Hall of Attainment, College of Winterhold.

Pavo Attius – Imperial, Miner, Left Hand Mine / Kolskeggr Mine, The Reach.
-Requirement: Complete his favor to liberate Kolskeggre Mine.

Perth – Breton, Miner, Soljund’s Sinkhole, The Reach.
-Requirement: Clear Soljund’s Sinkhole of Draugr.

Quintus Navale – Imperial, Alchemist, The White Phial, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Complete Quest, Repairing the Phial

Revyn Sadri – Dark Elf, Merchant, Sadri’s Used Wares, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Bring back stolen ring from shop’s stock to Windhelm inhabitant

Roggi Knot-Beard – Nord, Miner, Steamscorch Mine, Kynesgrove, Eastmarch.

Romlyn Dreth – Dark Elf, Meadery Worker, Black-Briar Meadery, Riften.

Scouts-Many-Marshes – Argonian, Dockworker, Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm.
-Requirement: Talk to Torbjorn Shatter-Shield about the Argonian dock workers

Sondas Drenim – Dark Elf, Miner, Goldenrock Mine, Darkwater Crossing, Eastmarch.

Skyrim Essential Companions

Sorex Vinius – Imperial, Assistant Innkeeper, Winking Skeever, Solitude.
-Requirement: Deliver kegs of rum to Falk Firebeard at the Blue Palace

Stenvar – Nord, Hireling, Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm.
-Requirement: Hire him.

Torvar – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun.
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Skyrim Essential Followers List On Mac

Vilkas – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. (Farkas’ Twin)
-Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead.

Vorstag – Nord, Hireling, Silver-Blood Inn, Markarth.
-Requirement: You must Hire him

Wilhelm – Nord, Innkeeper, Vilemyr Inn, Ivarstead, The Rift.
-Requirement: You must complete Dungeon Quest, Wilhelm’s Scream.

Skyrim Essential Followers List

This is the list of any of the wives or husbands you may have in this game. If you see an error or I am missing someone contact us and let us know!