Widescreen output formats include:
High Definition (1920x1080) | Standard Definition NTSC (720x480) | PAL (720x576)
Size: 3.5 Gb
Supporting the latest Blu-ray Technology!
Need to deliver your video on Blu-ray? Not a problem as our Pro Motion Menu Kits support the latest specifications of the Blu-ray format, including the new case size, high definition menus, and the new pop-up menu feature made available in Adobe Encore CS4. If you also need to make a standard dvd of the same project, our kits include full support for that format as well, without having to make any changes to the menu!
DVD Studio Pro 4 includes Compressor 2 which is designed to ensure that you maintain the highest possible quality when performing format conversions or encoding projects. Create and Design DVD Studio Pro 4 includes creative tools to design sophisticated titles for your projects. Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I've been kind of busy. Codevisionavr keygen generator. Marine rochester quadrajet manual. Well today I would like to present to you DVD STUDIO PRO!!! I have a friend who recently purchased his and it always crashes upon opening. So this is for him, and all the rest of you video makers out there! So keep on reading! DVD Studio Pro is a powerful DVD creating software that can be used to create DVD on Mac. It is published by Apple which carries an impressive suite of tools to help you work with menu designs multiple audio tracks, subtitles, and other complex DVD features. Maintains named chapter markers from Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, and iMovie; DVD Studio Pro 2 and 3 projects; iDVD 3 and 4 projects; AIFF; AVI; BMP; DV; JPEG; Macromedia Flash 5; MPEG-1; MP3 (MPEG-1 Layer 3) MPEG-2; M4A, M4P (iTunes 4 audio) PDF (Mac OS X) Photoshop (with layers) PICT; PNG; Targa; TIFF; WAV; Aspect ratios: 4:3 and 16:9.
- Professionally designed motion menu project file for Adobe After Effects CS3 or above
- Engaging Sound FX track in mp3 format to overlay with music of your choice
- Matching Blu-ray/DVD Cover & Label Template in Photoshop .PSD format (300 dpi)
- Menu Templates for your authoring program (Optimized for Adobe Encore)
- Custom Buttons for DVD Studio Pro
- Blu-ray Enhanced Pop-Up Menu (requires Adobe Encore CS4)
- Easy-to-follow video tutorials walking you through the steps of customizing everything from start to finish
Dvd Studio Pro 4 Templates
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Dvd Studio Pro 4 Free Download
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